Advice From The Ritchie's Experts

Mealybugs Mealybugs are white, 椭圆形的,通常被一层看起来像棉花绒毛的白色物质覆盖. 它们在茎、叶以及叶与茎连接的地方单独或成群地出现. They suck plant juices and weaken...
Birds in your garden
Birds in Your Garden What attracts birds to your garden? 有几个因素会使花园对鸟类有吸引力. These factors are the availability of shelter, food and water. If you want to attract birds to your...
白蝇是一种长着白色翅膀的小苍蝇,当植物受到干扰时,它们会大量飞起来, which can make them difficult to control. 这些昆虫繁殖迅速,并能迅速传播到其他植物上. They are most commonly...
线虫控制天然草坪害虫线虫是自然存在的, 用于草坪上控制蛴螬的微小蠕虫. 它们在24 - 48小时内侵入并杀死猎物,需要7 - 21天才能清除...
Plants for Wet Soil
Plants for Winter Interest
Winter in your garden doesn't have to be dull. 在寒冷的季节里,许多植物的纹理、形状甚至颜色都很有趣. 这里列出了一年四季都可以种植的植物、灌木和树木. Perennials...
Hardy Shrubs
耐寒灌木区3或以下常绿:冷杉,苦瓜,冷杉,杜松,communis 'Depressa'匍匐普通杜松,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏,刺柏...
Starting Seeds and Bulbs Indoors
Why are we starting seeds indoors? There are many reasons why are starting seeds indoors. Some people are looking for varieties that they cannot find otherwise. Some people like to get a head start on the season and be involved...
Salt Tolerant Plants
Trees for Under Power Lines
Plants for Butterflies
Plants for Butterflies Annuals: Ageratum spp. Flossflower Comos spp. Cosmos Pelargonium spp. Geranium Gomphrena globosa Globe Amaranth Impatiens spp. Impatiens/Balsam Lantana spp. Lantana Tagetes spp. Marigold Petunia spp. Petunia Phlox drummondii Annual Phlox Verbena spp. Verbena Zinnia spp. Zinnia Perennials:...
Vines are a beautiful addition to any garden; they can be used to provide a screen or add interest to a bare wall or fence. Dutchman’s Pipe (Sristolochia durior) A fast growing, vigorous, twining vine it has large leaves; good...
Common Name Plantain Lily History Until recently, 霍桑被认为是一种常见的遮荫植物,在花园中使用,因为其他植物似乎都不起作用. 现在,有如此多的独特品种可供选择,以至于狂热的园丁会花很多钱...
 RITCHIE FEED & SEED INC. 1390 Windmill Lane, Ottawa, ON, K1B 4V5 613-741-4430 www.ritchiefeed.这些玫瑰是一个很好的选择,任何人谁想要一些特别的玫瑰收藏. These roses have an interesting petal formation and...
Deer Resistant Plants
Picking a Tree
Picking a tree What do I need to know before picking a tree? 了解你要种植树木的区域是非常重要的. More important than anything is knowing how...
Plants for Hummingbirds
Plants for Hummingbirds Annuals: Fuschia sp. 凤仙花凤仙花凤仙花凤仙花凤仙花. Lantana Petunia sp. 矮牵牛花drummondii一年生Phlox唾液splendens猩红鼠尾草对流层菊马鞭草. Verbena Perennials: Achillea sp. Yarrow Aconitum sp. Monkshood...
Container Gardening Perennials
Rabbit Resistant Perennials
移植/种植灌木选择阴天进行移植,最好是在早晨. 挖一个两倍于根球大小的种植洞,留出挖掉的土壤. Mix, removed soil, with a triple mix soil to the ratio of 50/50....
Growing your Own Vegetables
Thinking of growing your own? First time Grower? Have a green thumb but need some advice?Growing your own food can be very rewarding.我们收到很多关于在后院、阳台和露台上种植蔬菜的问题.Here are the basics outlined for you....